Stamp catalog >> Fauna >> Crustaceans and molluscs

Catalog topic | Crustaceans and molluscs

Crustaceans and molluscs

Crustaceans and molluscs are two diverse groups of invertebrate animals that inhabit a variety of aquatic environments. Both groups have a hard outer covering, but they differ in their body structure and characteristics.

Crustaceans are characterized by their segmented bodies, jointed limbs, and hard exoskeleton made of chitin. They have two pairs of antennae and a pair of compound eyes. Some common examples of crustaceans include crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles. They are found in both freshwater and marine habitats, ranging from shallow waters to the deep sea.

Molluscs, on the other hand, have soft bodies protected by a hard shell made of calcium carbonate. They have a muscular foot for movement and a head with sensory organs. Molluscs also have a specialized feeding structure called the radula, which is used to scrape food off surfaces. Some well-known molluscs include snails, clams, octopuses, and squids. They can be found in various aquatic environments such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and even on land.

Both crustaceans and molluscs play important roles in their ecosystems. Crustaceans serve as food for many larger animals.

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