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Bohumil Hrabal

Bohumil Hrabal (1914-1997) was a Czech writer known for his unique and experimental style of writing. He was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia and spent most of his life in Prague. Hrabal's works often revolve around the lives of ordinary people, capturing the essence of everyday life in a humorous and satirical manner.

Hrabal's writing is characterized by its stream-of-consciousness narrative, blending reality with fantasy and incorporating elements of surrealism. His use of long, run-on sentences and unconventional punctuation adds to the dreamlike quality of his stories.

Many of Hrabal's works are set in post-war Czechoslovakia, exploring themes such as the impact of communism on society, the struggles of everyday people, and the loss of individual identity in a collective society. He often used dark humor to comment on these serious issues.

Hrabal's most famous works include "Closely Watched Trains" (1965), which was adapted into an Academy Award-winning film, and "I Served the King of England" (1971). He also wrote poetry, plays, and essays.

Despite facing censorship from the communist government, Hrabal continued to write prolifically throughout his life.

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