Asia | Burma | 1964 | 177 - 188 

Catalog number:  Mi 177

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 178

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 179

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 180

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 181

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 182

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 183

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 184

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 185

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 186

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 187

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 188

For detail of stamp showing do

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The catalog is made by users of the portal themselves to manage their collections for exchange and sale with other users of this portal.

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