Europe | Belgium | 1958 | 1100 - 1115 

Catalog number:  Mi 1100

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1101

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1102

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1103

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1104

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1105

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1106

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1107

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1108

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1109

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1110

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1111

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1112

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1113

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1114

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 1115

For detail of stamp showing do

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The origins of philately

The beginnings of philately date back to the first half of the 19th century. Who was actually behind the initial boom in philately?

The catalog is made by users of the portal themselves to manage their collections for exchange and sale with other users of this portal.

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