Europe | Soviet Union | 1977 | 4671 - 4675 

Catalog number:  Mi 4671

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 4672

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 4673

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 4674

For detail of stamp showing do

Catalog number:  Mi 4675

For detail of stamp showing do

Tips for you

Do you know when you sign up:
  • get your profile on our portal
  • you'll be able to tag your badge and ownership
  • you'll be able to view other collections
  • you'll be able to insert stamps and upload images
  • you will be able to communicate with other philatelists

How to use the catalog on auction servers

Philatelists not only buy stamps, but also sell them. Few people know that our catalog of postage stamps can also be used on the action websites.

The catalog is made by users of the portal themselves to manage their collections for exchange and sale with other users of this portal.

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